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Cleburne Parks, Recreation, Trails and Open Space Master Plan: 2021-2031

Cleburne, Texas

MHS collaborated with the City of Cleburne to develop a Parks, Recreation, Trails and Open Space Master Plan 2021 – 2031.  This was an overhaul to the existing Master Plan with the intent to enhance the entire Park System.  

Additional surveying, door to door discussions, and focus groups were held to conceptual master plan Kirtley Park, a Regional Park along the shoreline of Lake Pat Cleburne. In addition, every park in the system was inventoried and a total of 21 schematic plans were developed: one for each park.

Project Scope:

Park Classification

Level of Service

Goals & Objectives


Demographic Analysis


City Council, Parks Board, and 4B Board Meetings

Focus Groups

Community Surveys

Needs Analysis


Existing & Future Parks Map

Implementation Schedule

Cost Estimates

Funding Sources

21 Schematic Park Layouts

Other Services: 

Lake Pat Cleburne Lakefront Plan

Maintenance Plan

Park Ordinance Review & Development

Conceptual Park Site Plans

Grant Writing

Project Manager:

Hunter Rush

Connor Paschall

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